Therapy Tool: Thought, Feeling, and Behavior Tracker

I’ve had a lot of people ask about things that I use in my practice. I am not sure why, but there is sometimes a hesitancy for clinicians to share things with each other because of competition.

I believe that is nonsense. There are plenty of people that need help with things like anxiety, depression, mood issues, stress, etc. through therapy.

I will be posting more resources throughout the upcoming weeks to be accessible by clients and clinicians alike.

I chose to post this document first because it is one of the most common items that I use in my practice. I am a data-driven person. I like for clients to track their problematic thoughts and feelings so we can maybe identify patterns of triggers (antecedents) and responses.

Some that I have shared this with in the past have thought that it was too lengthy. I can understand that viewpoint, but as a therapist, I want to gather as much information as I can about the issue that brought the person in therapy from the beginning. I couldn’t find any forms that were as comprehensive as this one (gathering the quantitative and qualitative data, so I made my own.

Although clients did express that it takes time, they loved it! In particular, one client was surprised at how much his emotions were interfering with his life. This was before we even really started doing any clinical work. He gained insight on his own just by completing this form consistently for a week.

If you have any questions about this form and how to use it, please feel free to contact me at

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